The New Mexico Board of Pharmacy (NM BOP) is integrating the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) system into eligible healthcare software systems across the state. The goal is to increase PMP utilization for both prescribers of controlled substances and pharmacists (“providers”) by providing seamless access to a patient’s queried PMP report.

The NM BOP currently contracts with Bamboo Health for integration services, that provides a proprietary solution called PMP Gateway to integrate PMP data within a provider’s workflow. Healthcare entities in New Mexico that employ providers who are legally authorized to prescribe, administer or dispense controlled substance prescriptions are eligible to apply for this integration.

The NM BOP in collaboration with the New Mexico Department of Health (NM DOH), through federal grant funds, purchased a one (1) year subscription to the PMP Gateway for healthcare entities that successfully integrate before August 31, 2027. The one (1) year paid subscription for a healthcare entity begins the date PMP Gateway integration is approved by the New Mexico Board of Pharmacy (on or before 8/31/2027).

This is the third year that the NM BOP has been able to secure funding for Gateway Integration. Please note that the availability of funding after this subscription period is not guaranteed. Should the funding end after the one (1) year paid subscription, the Licensee has the option to renew the Agreement and would be responsible for all associated fees to continue the service.

Applying for state funding is now quick and easy!

Integration Request Process:
  1. Visit the Customer Connect portal at:
    1. Click Create an Account in the top right-hand corner.
    2. Login and follow the on-screen prompts to provide the needed information for your integration request.
    3. Sign all necessary agreements within the portal and complete your application.
  2. Upon receipt of your completed application, Bamboo Health will submit your request to the state for final approval.
  3. Upon state approval, credentials will be sent to your organization’s primary contact and/or your EHR/PMS vendor, per their onboarding process.
  4. A confirmation email will be sent to your healthcare organization’s primary point of contact.

Ready to get started? Sign up now!

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